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    Remarks/ statement of Grand Ayatollah Waheed Khorasani regarding the importance of the month of Ramazan and travelling for Tableegh

    7 August 2010 ۲۶ شعبان المعظّم ۱۴۳۱ 7 August 2010


    "( O People!) Without doubt the Month of Allah has turned its face towards you."
    This sermon is an ocean of wisdom
    Even if a book is written explaining this first sentence
    it would not be able to do justice to its meaning
    The essence of jurisprudence( fiqh) is understanding the subtleties and precision of the sayings of Ahlul Bayt (AS)

    Remarks/ statement of Grand Ayatollah Waheed Khorasani regarding the importance of the month of Ramazan and travelling for Tableegh
    "( O People!) Without doubt the Month of Allah has turned its face towards you."
    This sermon is an ocean of wisdom
    Even if a book is written explaining this first sentence
    it would not be able to do justice to its meaning
    The essence of jurisprudence( fiqh) is understanding the subtleties and precision of the sayings of Ahlul Bayt (AS)

    Remarks/ statement of Grand Ayatollah Waheed Khorasani regarding the importance of the month of Ramazan and travelling for Tableegh
    26th Shaban, 1431 = 7th August, 2010
    In the Name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful
    "( O People!) Without doubt the Month of Allah has turned its face towards you."
    This sermon is an ocean of wisdom
    Even if a book is written explaining this first sentence
    it would not be able to do justice to its meaning
    The essence of jurisprudence( fiqh) is understanding the subtleties and precision of the sayings of Ahlul Bayt (AS)
    "قد اقبل اليكم": "Without doubt the Month of God has turned its face towards you"
    This translation is wrong
    God is different from Allah
    Allah is a name that encompasses all the names of God
    However, from want of a better translation it is said: "Month of God"
    The Month has been related to Allah. Perceiving Allah is perplexing for intellects.
    In the Quran each verse( ayah) that begins with Allah,
    that verse is very important
    According to the traditions the best of the chapters( surah) of the Quran is Surah al-Baqarah
    The best of the ayahs of Surah al Baqarah is Ayat al-Kursi
    Ayat al-Kursi begins with Allah
    "Allaho la ilaha illa hua al-Hayy ul-Qayyum" till "al-Ali ul-Azeem"
    Ayat al-Kursi enjoys this prestigious position. In the Beginning is Allah
    The month has been related to Allah
    "( O People!) Without doubt the Month of Allah has turned its face towards you."
    One must stop to ponder here
    The Month is the month of deification
    This is the month that has been related to the Sacrosanct Being of Allah
    So what is the hubbub in this month all about? What's the pandemonium all about?
    "The Month of Ramazan in which came down the Quran……."
    "A guidance for mankind…..."
    " And clear proofs from(of?) the Guidance and the Furqan( The Criterion of right and wrong)
    These subtleties of the Quran have not been comprehended.
    This verse introduces to us the Month of Ramazan.
    It is then that jurisprudents( fuqaha)…..
    Jurisprudents that we speak of are Shiekh Ansari, Shaheed e Awwal, Shaheed e Thani,…...
    These people understand these subtleties
    In this verse both the Quran and Furqan have been gathered together
    "The Month of Ramazan," ………… You must try comprehending this well
    "The Month of Ramazan in which came down the Quran……."
    "A guidance for mankind and clear proofs from the Guidance and the Furqan."
    In one verse both Quran and Furqan have been brought together
    Afterwards the majesty of Ramazan has been explained by these two words.
    Furqan itself has this buzz about it
    "Blessed is He Who hath revealed unto His slave Al-Furqan( The Criterion of right and wrong), that he may be a warner to the peoples"
    Then there is a detailed discussion about the word Quran itself.
    "Verily! This Quran guides unto that(path) which is steadiest and most secure."
    Then the month of Ramazan is identified from here that
    it is the period when the Quran and Furqan were revealed.
    We have not comprehended the realities of religion
    When did commentaries( of the Quran) reach these subtleties?
    One verse is enough for the experts to work for months.
    " The Month of Ramazan in which came down the Quran."
    When the(Quran) explains this month: This is the month and then ?
    "….in which came down the Quran"
    "A guidance for mankind and clear proofs from the Guidance and the Furqan."
    Then it goes on to say: " So whosoever of you comes across this month let him fast the month."
    This is a subtle point as for thanksgiving for the revelation of the Quran, all must fast.
    " Let him fast the month"
    Then the relationship between fasting and the month: "Let him fast the month." This also has a detailed discussion.
    This is such a month.
    This chore( journeying for Tableegh) that has occurred for you, it is a blessing.
    Now luck has turned its face towards you that such a blessing presented itself to you.
    However, if you do justice to it.
    What sort of a journey is this?
    The journey that you undertake is a journey towards Allah.
    That too in the Month of Allah
    Journey towards Allah to invite others towards the path of Allah
    If you know the value of this blessing,
    and give this blessing its due you by thanking for it
    The people whom you are going for, who are these people?
    First you must know and recognize them. Pay special attention on the Quran. If you observe,
    when it speaks about orphans what is the diction of God?
    It speaks with such severity with the best and last of the prophets (pbuh)
    "Therefore, do not reproach and insult the orphan."
    This verse has all that needs to be said on this topic.
    This is why the Prophet( pbuh) understands what it is as he said:
    " The guardian of the orphan and myself are like these two."
    One who undertakes the guardianship of an orphan, he and myself are like these( a gesture towards the index finger and the middle finger).
    Guardianship of an orphan gets one alongside the Prophet(pbuh)
    Now if the guardianship of an orphan of a believer gets one alongside the Prophet( pbuh)
    what would the guardianship of the orphan of Ali ibne-abi-Talib(as) do?
    What would the guardianship of the orphan of Jafar as-Sadiq(as) entail?
    What would the guardianship of the orphan of Imam Reza(as) entail?
    What would the guardianship of the orphan of Seyyed us-Shuhada(as) entail?
    These people that you are travelling to their areas, they are the orphans of Ali ibne-abi-Talib(as).
    They are the orphans of Imam Hussain(as). They are the orphans of the fourteen infallibles.
    They are the orphans of Aal[the Children]-e-Muhammad(pbuh).
    So what is your responsibility then?
    Your responsibility is the spiritual guardianship of the orphans of Aal-e-Muhammad( pbuh).
    This is the prestige of this work
    That is why we cannot explain how important this work is in one sitting.
    However, one must first purify the intention
    You are all religious students, you are scholars (of religion)
    This Hadith( tradition) is authentic
    This is a tradition that enjoys such an authenticity of sanad (chain of transmitters) that
    a jurisprudent like Shiekh-e-Ansari in questions related to blood gives a fatwa on the basis of this hadith
    The gist of this authentic hadith is:
    No action has any value but that of the intention of the doer.
    It is the intention that changes an action
    Intention itself has a discussion attached to it
    Salaat ( Prayer) is the pillar of religion
    Salaat cannot occur without having intended its title. What does that mean?
    That is , it is the intention that makes the mid-day ( Zohr ) prayer , the mid-day prayer.
    The afternoon ( Asr ) prayer, the afternoon prayer.
    Intention is the Fasl-e-Muqawwim
    That is why if the prayer is recited ( without intention ) it has no value.
    This prayer should be entitled. Which prayer is it?
    Is it Zohr? Is it Asr? Is it Maghrib? Is it Isha? Or is it the morning prayer?
    Has it been recited within the specified time? Or after it has ended? Is it a Nafilah( recommended) prayer? Or is it a fardh( obligatory) prayer?
    Intention is what defines the prayer.
    It is the intention that specifies which prayer is being recited.
    If a jurisprudent…
    that too I have already said like Shaheed or Shiekh e Ansari. These understand the meaning that
    when the Imam (a.s) says : "( The value ) For every deed is its intention"
    He, from the discussion of intention in prayer, understands the real meaning of this tradition.
    The first thing that needs to be done is the intention.
    You can go on this journey with the intention of getting rid of exhaustion. Your reward will be the same.
    It is possible that you go with the intention of receiving a token payment that is given to you. Your value will be as much
    However, if you go on this journey with the intention of
    undertaking the guardianship of the orphans of Aal-e-Muhammad( pbuh) from the point of view of beliefs,
    of morals( akhlaq) and of laws( ahkaam), what will your reward be?
    Your reward will be this:
    100 years of prayers of Prophet Moses( a.s), that too from the night till morning
    Fasts of Prophet Moses (a.s).
    100 years of prayers and fasts of Prophet Moses (a.s) on one side
    If you guide an individual in those areas it is better than all of it.
    If you go with this intention, the reward is stupendous
    It is a pity that a lifetime passed and we could not utilize our lives.
    " How many trials are there and how few those who have learnt from these."
    This is enough as a lesson:
    We had a similar gathering last year as well, we are having one tonight as well.
    One year has passed that is one page from the book of our lives has been turned
    Finally this book has a maximum of 100 pages.
    One page having passed like this, others too shall pass in a similar fashion.
    This life passes like this:
    " The life of this world is but comfort of illusion."
    Indeed this is a miracle of the Quran. But who is there to understand?
    " The life of this world is but comfort of illusion."
    Seyyed us-Shuhada wrote a letter on the day of Ashura.
    That letter was written to Mohammad-e-Hanafiyya
    There are two sentences in this letter.
    And if God Wills I shall discuss about these two sentences some time.
    One of the sentences is this: "As if the world were not."
    What is your and my life?
    In reality my world from the beginning till end is as if it were not.
    This is the opinion of Seyyed us-Shuhada(a.s). Is there anybody who understands Seyyed us-Shuhada(a.s)?
    " As if this world were not."
    If somebody understands this life with this decadence
    Every moment, the threads of the rope of our lives are being cut.
    till we reach the final thread
    Tonight correct your intentions
    Go with this intention that
    you should safeguard the orphans of the infallible Ahl-e-Bayt(a.s) during the occultation of the Imam of the Times(a.s) from whims and doubts
    you should value every moment in that area.
    "And whoso brings one to life, it shall be as if he had brought to life all of mankind."
    Imam( a.s) while explaining this verse said:
    " Took him out of obliquity and loss towards guidance."
    Then the result of your endeavour is this:
    Someone who doesn't pray starts praying regularly. You have brought him to life.
    " And whoso brings one to life, it shall be as if he had brought to life all of mankind."
    One person who is a stranger to the Imam of his times(a.s)
    if you introduce him to the Imam of his times (a.s) you have brought him to life,
    "… it shall be as if he had brought to life all of mankind."
    You should value every moment of your stay there.
    Do not spend your time only on the pulpit
    Travel during the day. Look as to who is distressed, who is sick. Cure and remedy him.
    The important thing is that when each one of you returns they should be examples of this tradition:
    " He who spends a year well will have reward from his actions in it."
    Gather capable people around you. Find out the teachers.
    Teach these people.
    These people should change the students of their schools.
    This is the work. These activities should definitely take place.
    And if you do not do so the regret of not performing these makes one wretched.
    "And warn them of the Day of Anguish when the case has been decided."
    It was possible for me to familiarize a woman in that area with the problems of females. But I did not do so.
    If she was familiarized with these problems she would have prayed correctly for a lifetime. I didn’t familiarize her.
    Her prayers were invalid. The remorse of this turns one wretched,
    till one reaches other matters
    It was possible for me to transform a teacher there.
    And he could have transformed a primary school.
    And familiarize that kid with prayers and the love of the Ahle Bayt( a.s)
    The remorse of this loss turns one wretched.
    Do something that you do not return remorseful from this journey.
    Work from dawn till dusk to the best of your ability.
    Three things should be taken care of:
    One is the teaching of Islamic Laws (ahkaam). Problems related to prayers, fasting, the rights of fellow men, these must be explained.
    One is related to the strengthening of beliefs. You should strngthen the beliefs.
    Every night you should discuss regarding one of the Imams(a.s.)
    So that those people identify the fourteen infallibles once you return.
    Take this introduction of (the book) Minhaj. There you have a short history of the lives of the fourteen infallibles.
    Every night speak about this subject for these people.
    The miracles of Imam Hasan(a.s), the morals of Imam Hasan(a.s), the peace treaty of Imam Hasan(a.s), and his sayings
    Similarly regarding every Imam(a.s)
    These plans need to be practically carried out in these areas.
    the central theme of the discussions is getting rid of doubts
    Patients must be treated. See whether anybody is suffering from an ailment.
    whether a microbe or a whim has infected a soul. Get rid of it.
    Afterwards provide spiritual and mental food about these three things:
    Strengthening of beliefs, reformation of morals and teaching of Islamic Laws.
    Religion can be summarized in these three phrases.
    When the programme ends like this, you have made optimum use of your life.
    Afterwards you return here, your chores occupy you, you don’t know,
    The tradition is this: On the Day of Judgement
    when one is given the Book of Deeds he comes across something amazing
    Deeds have been written for him he has not performed
    He says: " My Lord! I have not performed these acts,"
    It is replied: " You reformed so and so. He performed these acts.
    We wrote them both for you and for him."
    Every prayer performed by them would be written in your Book of Deeds.
    A person who fasts,
    ( The reward for his actions) is both written in his Book of Deeds as well as yours
    In conclusion, if you understand its worth you have been blessed
    The tradition is this: On the Day of Judgement
    A few people would enter the plains of Mehsher on the wings of angels.
    The people of Mehsher are surprised as to who these people are who are travelling on the wings of angels.
    An announcer would call out:
    " These are the people who protected the orphans of Aal e Muhammad( pbuh) from the evil of dogs."
    That is those who wanted to destroy their beliefs
    and slaughter their souls. They saved these people from them
    At that time the reward is this: "The Teacher of Good"
    Isa ibn-e-Maryam is called: "The Teacher of Good."
    One who teaches what is good.
    What is good? The laws of religion and the right beliefs
    All that is in the heaven and earth pray for the forgiveness of the teacher of good
    after this no sin is left
    This is such a journey
    Try that both you act on this plan
    and also urge others to act upon it
    Those who can read should definitely finish the Quran.
    As every time one finishes the Quran one prayer is answered: either right away or after some time.
    One prayer is definitely answered for every time one finishes the Quran
    And you must gift this finishing of the Quran to Imam e Zaman(a.s.)
    And teach this thing to them to be performed throughout the year.
    Those who are illiterate should recite Surah e Tauheed eleven times after the morning prayers.
    eleven times when they are sleeping
    during the day as well this surah should be recited
    According to an authentic tradition this Surah itself is one-third of the Quran
    All of it should be gifted to Imam e Zaman(a.s)
    This is the way of nurturing and upbringing human beings
    When he recited the Quran and gifted it to Imam e Zaman(a.s)
    that soul occupies the attention of Imam e Zaman(a.s), your preaching is also effective
    We have till now lost the path of upbringing people
    Only speaking is not sufficient
    This is an amazing tradition: " Quran is the spring of hearts."
    Quran is the spring of hearts, It gives life to souls
    Then the seeds of preaching would see fruits in their hearts.
    This is the plan for your month of Ramazan
    InshAllah you must try to find out the teachers of those areas.
    You must teach them well so they could work in the schools.
    Recite verses for them. Recite traditions for them.
    Familiarize them with the Imams( a.s)
    Teach the more capable people problems and laws of religion.
    So even after you come back and people need guidance regarding a problem
    there is someone to guide them.
    This is the way to success.
    The Month( of Ramazan) is a great month
    A month that when the Prophet( pbuh) recited that sermon:
    "( O People!) Without doubt the Month of Allah has turned its face towards you with benediction, mercy and forgiveness."
    the Month will end, mercy too as well as forgiveness shall end. That too what mercy.
    "The Mercy of your Lord is better than the things that they gather."
    However, we did not understand what happened in this month.
    A Quran was revealed, A Quran ascended
    However, the Quran that came down is the same:
    " The Month of Ramazan in which came down the Quran."
    However, the Quran that ascended is someone that when the Prophet( pbuh) looked at him he cried heavily.
    Weeping overcomes the Prophet (pbuh). (Imam Ali[a.s]) said:
    " O Prophet( pbuh)! Why do you cry so? The Prophet( pbuh) said:
    I weep for your cloven head.
    This is surprising. The Prophet( pbuh) like the spring cloud was weeping. Ali(a.s) replied:
    " O Prophet( pbuh)! Would my religion be safe when this happens?"
    In which world does he live?
    The Prophet( pbuh) said: " O Ali! Someone who kills you has killed me."
    He desired for it to be known to us that
    that the 21st of Ramazan is the day when the Prophet(pbuh) was martyred.
    Explain the greatness of the day for the people
    And bring them up in such a way that they are familiar with Ali
    "O Allah! Say: "Be," for Thy dearest representative, Al-Hujjat ibn Al-Hassan(a.s), Thy blessings be on him(a.s) and on his forefathers(a.s), now and at all times so that he comes back as a friend, guardian, leader, helper, guide, and model to spread harmony and happiness in this world for ever."

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